Win support from key stakeholders

Reflect stakeholder feedback much earlier in the planning process for stronger route shortlists.

Evaluate all potential connection scenarios

Analyse millions of routes and dozens of grid connection points, and make instant changes to preferred options as new information arises.

Submit more robust planning applications

Demonstrate a robust case for shortlisted routes and grid connections with detailed analysis on both proposed and alternative route options.

Intelligent Optineering

Implement intelligent optioneering technology for better renewables networks

Import geospatial data

Leverage Optioneer’s open source GIS data and upload your own information on the project area

Set rules and generate route options

Configure route parameters and constraints for Optioneer to prioritise on the shortlisted routes it generates

Evaluate route data and iterate

Evaluate routes with interactive maps and KPI visualisations, and make instant updates to optimise each route scenario

Export data to existing software

Export data on preferred routes to existing GIS or CAD software for detailed design and preparation

Assessment Criteria

Consider every constraint for stronger route selection

Optioneer’s AI-powered route engine will simultaneously analyse dozens of qualitative and quantitative factors that impact onshore and offshore cable development to propose good route scenarios for route corridors and grid connections, so you’re better prepared for consent.

Environmental Impact

  • Avoiding designated onshore and offshore sites
  • Minimising impact on protected habitats
  • Minimising adverse seabed, landfall and terrestrial impacts


  • Minimising number land parcels crossed
  • Minimising number of constraints in proximity of the route
  • Minimising distance to nearest connection points

Site Avoidance

  • Keeping minimum buffers locations of wrecks and protected remain, unexploded ordnances
  • Avoiding historical battlefields, military practice areas (PEXA), munitions dumping
  • Minimising impacts on harbours, marinas, anchorage areas
  • Minimising interference with areas of high shipping & fishing density

Engineering & Installation

  • Choosing suitable open-cut and trenchless methods
  • Maintaining minimum turning radii and run-in lengths
  • Determining joint bay locations
  • Identifying linear feature crossings
  • Maintaining minimum distance to critical features

Technical Risks

  • Avoiding buildings, functional sites
  • Minimising crossing of steep slopes
  • Avoiding surface water and flood zones, contaminated or hazardous sites
  • Avoiding crossing areas of exposed seabed rock and hard sediment types


  • Determining suitable installation methods, vessel types and associated campaign costs
  • Determining high-level construction estimates (costs, access, drainage)
  • Identifying main sources of connection risks
Customer stories
Discuss your project
Learn how Optioneer can accelerate your project development programmes
Ready to revolutionise your project development process? Schedule a no-obligation discussion with our team.
Cut programme length
Demonstrate a robust selection process
Build consensus with key stakeholders
We’ll help you succeed
Our team of product experts will help set up your project in Optioneer and ensure you and your team achieve your goals.
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