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Winser report outlines path for Energy Networks Acceleration


Today, on August 4, 2023, an independent report has been released by Nick Winser, the Electricity Networks Commissioner appointed by the government. This report presents essential recommendations aimed at expediting the deployment of electricity transmission infrastructure. These measures are critical for effectively distributing electricity generated from renewable sources to areas of demand.

Nick Winser's report proposes significant changes to the government, with a focus on streamlining the consenting process for major schemes. By doing so, the aim is to remove unnecessary delays and bureaucratic hurdles that currently hinder the development of transmission projects. Additionally, the report advocates for a more strategic approach to spatial planning for future networks. This strategic planning will ensure that the infrastructure is laid out in the most efficient and effective manner to meet the growing demand for renewable energy.

Commenting on the report, Grzegorz Marecki, CEO at Continuum Industries, said:

" Speeding up the development of transmission networks will require an automated route design process and a set of design principles, according to Nick Winser, the Electricity Networks Commissioner.

As Continuum Industries, we are delighted to see those recommendations being put forward to the government at such an important point in the energy transition.

We’ve been advocating the benefits of an automated approach with professional oversight for a long time, and the report hits the nail on the head with its recommendations:

  • An automated routing process that assesses more options than possible without automation - overseen by a landscape architect
  • A set of Design Principles and Standardised Equipment enabling an automated selection process of the towers and cable locations within the corridor - overseen by a design engineer
  • An endorsement of an automated approach from the planning authorities and OFGEM

The goal of those recommendations is to reduce the pre-application planning stage from approximately eight years at present, to two and a half years.

If realised, this will be huge for the energy transition in the UK.

Our routing tool, Optioneer, has already successfully supported the assessment of over 30,000km of linear assets in the UK.

And it helped multiple large-scale schemes complete 12 months’ worth of work in 8 weeks. It’s based on the most extensive GIS database in the UK, which ties in with the report’s recommendation on the need for high-quality data. Optioneer is also modular, making it possible to incorporate a wide range of required design principles alongside a standardised equipment library.

Our team will double in size in the next 12 months, so we’re ready to deliver!"

In conclusion, Nick Winser's report offers valuable insights and proposals to the government, aiming to fast-track the implementation of electricity transmission infrastructure. Embracing these recommendations will play a crucial role in facilitating the energy transition and ensuring renewable energy can efficiently power the nation.